Welcome to 806 Speech and Feeding Therapy!

Please watch the following video to get a glimpse into our practice and learn more about therapy.


Before your evaluation

If you would like to come see us, please call to set up an evaluation. An evaluation allows your therapist to get a holistic view of you/your child. During an evaluation they can address any concerns and ensure their treatment can meet your needs.

If you are coming in for a feeding or swallowing assessment, please bring:

  1. Your/your child's favorite snack
  2. A puree (e.g., applesauce, yogurt)
  3. A solid (e.g., carrot, apple slices)

If your child is a baby, please bring bottles and/or nurse, and any food they are typically eating.

After your evaluation, your therapist will complete a staffing with you. During the staffing they will go over the evaluation and discuss therapy moving forward. Therapy is focused on strong home exercise programming. The goal of therapy is to educate you so that you can do carry-over work at home and make informed choices.

You will receive access to your patient portal where you will complete intake paperwork prior to your evaluation.

I came in for an evaluation, what's next?

After your evaluation, you will meet with your therapist to review your session. This staffing will provide insight into what the therapist saw and their plan of action. From there, we will work with you to schedule regular therapy appointments.